A downloadable game for Windows


We made this game as homework at our university. We decided to show off a little. It didn’t work out, but we definitely did something.

What is the game about?

You are a badass girl who collects valuables. This time you decided to raid one old, barely working lighthouse. When you got inside, the defense systems suddenly activated. Because of this, various monsters attack you, and the death ray chases after you.

Using the grappling hook, you need to get to the top of the lighthouse and turn off its light. To fight off monsters, you have a laser gun.


1. We combined gothic, cyberpunk and marine art

2. Vertical level design

3. The game is designed to take 15 minutes, but can be completed in 2

4. Badass heroine that you can’t see properly

5. Seems like fun


Q: Will development continue?
A: We don't know.

Q: Why is the game so short?
A: We made a game as part of our homework at university. We didn't have enough time and skills to develop our idea deeper.

Q: I found a bug/I have a suggestion for the game. How can I report this?
A: Either in a comment or in a personal message to one of the authors. We can't promise we'll fix everything, but we'll try :D


tg/@eymonkassel — mostly code and organization

tg/@holumer — mostly artwork and sound design

tg/@sonyager — mostly animations and documentation


MAYAK 1.0.3.zip 44 MB

Install instructions

1. Download zip

2. Unzip it to any location convenient for you

3. Open the EXE file (not UnityCrashHandler)


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